This year is flying by, I cannot believe that we are halfway through August already.....
I have had a great show season so far, and I have a few more exhibits still to go. I am also considering having an Open House this year, perhaps in November before the Christmas season takes over, but I will think a little bit longer and then decide by the end of the summer.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has come out to the exhibits that I have been part of. I am so grateful that people are taking the time out of their busy summers to enjoy some of these great events, and see some very talented artists and their work. It is always an honour for me to included among them.
I will be teaching another Encaustic workshop tomorrow night, and then next Thursday (the 22nd) again at the Burlington Art Centre, and I am really looking forward to it. These workshops are so much fun, very nerve-wracking for me, but once I get started and get to know the students a bit, it is great fun. I am very thankful to have the opportunity to teach these classes.
My painting has been a bit slower this year,and I have struggling with a few things. Life has thrown me a couple of curves, but I'm working on some pieces that I hope to have completed for the show coming up in September, fingers crossed!
Thanks for visiting my Blog, and as always, if you like to contact me, please do so at
Also, some of my encaustic work is on my blog, simply scroll down, and hit the "older posts" option and they will show up if you wish to view them. I will also be posting some photos of new work in a few weeks.
Robbin :>
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